Art Programme

Sangster International Airport exhibits art and historical displays that celebrate Jamaica's rich cultural heritage for a much more gratifying experience to the visitor. The art programme was designed to provide multiple benefits to the users of the airport and artists as well. It provides both local and international artists and art programmes in locals schools, the opportunity to showcase talent, by having their work viewed by millions of users at the airport. Through the art programme, the airport has become a memorable and people-friendly gateway to Jamaica's rich cultural legacy. It is the intent of this initiative to enhance people's understanding of Jamaica and hopefully, peak their curiosity to learn more.

Art exhibits can be viewed in the following locations:

Arrivals Corridor [Prior to Immigration]: Hosting two separate displays

Youth Art Display: Featuring schools from all over Jamaica

Photographic Journey of Jamaica: Following the old Jamaican railway tracks

Departures Concourse: The location of rotating exhibits in eight separate display cases from Gates 8-19, showcasing development of art in Jamaica and selected featured artists.

In 2012, MBJ will continue to develop the art and culture programme at the airport, including a refurbished tribute to the airport's namesake, Sir Donald Sangster, and a pictorial history of the development of Sangster International Airport spanning several decades.

The commissioned artwork of Fiona Godfrey's 'Amongst the Living', is the largest project to date for the art programme at Sangster International Airport. During the design phase of the works at the airport, spaces were identified that would be suitable for art and reserved for this purpose. The large wall visible from the Arrivals Ramp at the entrance to the Immigration Hall was identified for a key piece of art work that would welcome the over 1.5 million arriving international passengers each year.  MBJ sponsored a Call to Artists to Jamaicans living in Jamaica and overseas, as well as international artists living in Jamaica, to submit a proposal for a commissioned piece of art for this location.

A jury of peer artists and professionals from within the Jamaican art community was convened to assess the proposals and select a group of three finalists to further develop their concepts. These concepts were presented and Fiona Godfrey was selected as the finalist in 2009.  MBJ Airports Limited is proud to display this significant representation of Jamaican life and culture and hope that our many visitors will enjoy looking at all of the details and images depicted. This mural represents Sangster International Airport's 'Welcome to Jamaica!'